Uncharted Lost Legacy — in Tamil!



Uncharted Lost Legacy — in Tamil!

CHENNAI: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has been one of the games I’d been most looking forward to this year. Not just because it was a spin-off of my favourite series ever, but also they'd taken the best characters from the series, that is, Chloe — and made her the protagonist. Who is she, you ask? Only the most badass, fearless awesome treasure-hunting (don’t compare with Lara Croft) thief in the history of videogames.

Chloe had already a very well fleshed-out character in the initial few games of the series. Her loyalties always remained at doubt throughout her behaviour in the earlier games — but she was a righteous thief in her own way.

The game starts out in an unnamed temple-city in Tamil Nadu. Uncharted, being non open-world, has the complete freedom to focus a lot more on the specifics and the art of the immediately surrounding environment. And they've done this with all the grace and respect possible. The first scene is Chloe negotiating a price for a scarf with a young Meenu at a cloth shop. She walks out into the market, and we can hear the bustle of the local voices (in perfect Tamil, no less) around us. Given that there aren't many games of such epicness that have featured India, just this was more than enough to sell me on the rest of the game.

Judging by the standards set by the previous game, Uncharted does not disappoint in this one. The details given to the surrounding environment, and the fluidity of the character’s interaction with the same is almost photoreal — that sometimes you could forget that it’s just a game. Apart from the story and action which we know is amaze, we also get the additional character boost of Nadine (the enemy in Uncharted 4) — making the partnership well-balanced, and the game a lot more fun with their conversations.

Indian mythology plays a huge role in the game’s puzzles and story-line — which is a nice easter-egg for us here. Although the game works on some of the existing sequences in Uncharted 4 — like pushing crates and the climbing, it manages to stay fresh with its new characters and the story itself.

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